One Stop Shop marker
Burger King Challenge
Castrol Syntec Ford GT
Porsche Cayman
Easy money
Easy upgrades
Easy bounty
Getting the most money when selling your car
Quick start
Nitrous and grip
Nitrous boosting
Avoid and remove strikes
Avoiding impound strikes
Avoiding police
Levels of police action
Cheat Code Central (
At the "Press Start" screen, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Up, Down to unlock a special marker for the Junkman Engine part in the back room of the One Stop Shop in Career mode. Note: This code can only be enabled once per career. -From: and
At the "Press Start" screen, press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear stating that you have unlocked a "Special Challenge Event" will appear. At the main menu, select the "Challenge Series" option. Scroll all the way to the bottom and choose #59, the Burger King Challenge. Successfully complete the challenge to be able to use all Junkman parts on cars you have in "My Cars". Note: Before applying Junkman parts, press X in the performance parts place to get them as high as they can go, then apply Junkman to each part. By doing this, it gives better stat raises.
At the "Press Start" screen, press Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down to unlock the Castrol Syntec Ford GT.
At the "Press Start" screen, press L1, R1(3), Right, Left, Right, Down to unlock the Porsche Cayman.
Have a saved game file from Need For Speed: Underground 2 on your memory card to get an extra $10,000 in Career mode after the prologue.
Find an easy race such as a drag or something short that you can win quickly. Win the race and get the money. Go back to the safe house and start the race again. Win the race to get the same amount of money again. Repeat this process as much as desired. This is quite useful when you need that extra bit of power to defeat a Blacklist Rival, but don't have the money for a better car or parts.
Defeat one of the opponents on the blacklist. You will get two marks to use on several different things. Do not use them on the Uniques early in the game. Instead, use them on the middle or the left "Random" choices. They should usually come out to either a large cash bonus or the opponent's pink slip.
Before you can do anything, you must win the Burger King Challenge. Once you win it, you will unlock all unique parts (also called Junkman parts). Get any car and put all the parts on it except performance. Once you have your car the way you desire, go to the performance shop. Max out your car, then put the Junkman parts on. Max out your car again. Then put on the Junkman parts again. Your car should be fully upgraded now.
Get some cops to chase you, then go to the bus stop. Get on top of the buses and make sure that the front of the car is at the edge of the last bus so that the cops can see you and do not lose you. Keep looking behind you, because the cops will sometimes find a way on top of the buses. When they do get on the buses, just reverse as soon as you see them coming and push them off. Only one cop car will come on top of the bus. Do this for as long as desired. When you want to lose them, just reverse, park in the middle of the buses, and wait until your Cool Down bar fills. The cops will also drive crazy and crash into themselves, giving you extra bounty and bring up your rap sheet rankings on police vehicles immobilized and police vehicles involved.
When you sell a car, you will only get half of its list value; however, there is a trick that works well for Pinkslips that you have won and no longer want. Take your car to the shop, then go to the parts area. Go into the body kit, spoiler, hood, rims, and roof air areas and set everything to stock. When you check out, you will see anywhere from $1,000 to $18,000, depending on what Pinkslip car you are stripping. Do not try this with performance parts. The shop will charge you money for downgrading. Once you have stripped your car of all accessories, leave and go to your safe house. Sell the car, and you will have made a lot of money on the side. Do this every time you intend to sell any car.
Get a perfect launch on your tachometer when launching from the start line to get a boost. When the needle turns blue drop the clutch and hold on.
Hitting nitrous torques the chassis back, giving the rear tires immensely more weight under the new acceleration. The end effect is that you will go straight. If your tail is sliding out or you are about to spin out of control, hit your nitrous to get straighten out. This is a great trick in combination with Speedbreaker. With the correct timing, you can take most corners at any speed.
It is critical when you get past Blacklist Member #6 to use your nitrous wisely and strategically. Instead of just holding Nitrous in desperation to get ahead, press and release it when the tachometer is about to shift to the next gear. Upon the next gear shift, continue pressing Nitrous until the next upcoming gear shift. This is a great way to cut time off your race.
After getting busted and taking a strike, turn off the system the next time you get pulled over. Resume the game and those strikes will be removed.
If you get busted, during the scene when the cops are wrestling you to the ground, disconnect the controller then reconnect it and you will be at the pause screen. Then, jump to safe house to not get an impound strike. -From:
Go to the bus terminal with any Heat Level. Normally you would go left or right to take the jump or drive up the middle to take the shortcut. Instead of using the ramps to jump, stop at the apex of the ramp, then turn and drive in the middle of the walkway. Stop there and wait. The cops will not come up the ramp after you if you are in the middle of the walkway. No matter what the Heat Level, the cops will not get you and they will eventually drive away.
When completing a race, if the police radio in the car you are driving and you do not want to run from them, press Down and choose another race. Alternately, you may also jump to your safe house (must be done before you are seen or the pursuit begins). If not, you must drive to it yourself in Cool Down mode. To jump to the safe house, pause the game and press Right until seen. Additionally, upon reaching level 4 (Most Wanted) there will be a lot of police chasing you. At this level, cops are excellent at boxing you in. If you cannot move forward, use reverse for a couple of seconds to get away from the block; spin your car around and get out of there.
The best way to escape the police is to evade long enough to get into Cool Down mode, then find a hiding spot. By sticking to the cities you will find lots of Cool Down spots to sit and hide your car until the heat is off. This is also a good way to avoid helicopters which appear if your reach level 4 on your map. Another good method is to run into the triangles on your map, which mark places where you can ram into shops and other roadside items to disable the cops. Highways are good places to get blockades and strike strips which are challenges for milestones. Additionally, never respawn your car in a pursuit, as the police will always catch you.
An easy way to get away from cops at high wanted levels is to find the baseball field. Look on the map for a small triangle towards the top left. Use highways in a circle around the field to achieve your missions. Once you have gained enough bounty, city damage, roadblocks, etc., drive through an entrance to the baseball field, hitting the pursuit breaker on the way in. Make sure that you slow down some before hitting the breaker so that it does not send you through the other side of the field. Once you make it in the field, stay there and wait out the Cool Down period. The cops should be off of you and will not be able to find you. This works almost all the time to get rid of the cops. Just driving through random blockers rarely works when you are at wanted levels 4 and 5.